Mat. policji
  • 30 May 2024
  • News
  • by krzysko
  • 0

In Poland, as in many other countries, the use of medical marijuana is regulated by law. However, patients who use this form of treatment may encounter various situations when interacting with law enforcement, so it is important to know their rights and responsibilities. Find out what to do during a police check if you have medical marijuana and what documents you should have with you.

What to do during a police check if you have medical marijuana?

Basic rules

Staying calm and cooperating with the officers is the basic rule that every patient should follow. It is important to remember that possession of medical marijuana is legal provided certain conditions are met, such as carrying the appropriate documents. You may need:

  • Original pharmacy packaging with dried hemp,
  • Proof of purchase of medical marijuana,
  • Copy of the prescription for medicinal cannabis,
  • Medical marijuana treatment certificate.
  • Information on how to properly prepare for a police check can be found on many educational websites.

Correct storage

Medical marijuana should be stored in its original pharmacy packaging. This is not only a legal requirement, but also a guarantee that in the event of an inspection, any doubts will be quickly dispelled. It is also worth remembering to limit access to medicines for third parties, especially children.

Traveling with medical marijuana

Moving with medical marijuana, also abroad, requires familiarization with the regulations in force in the destination country. Some states may require additional documentation or may not accept the medicinal use of marijuana at all. It is always worth checking the current requirements before your planned trip, especially if you plan to cross the border.

Frequently asked questions

Can medical marijuana be used in public places?

Yes, patients have the right to use the medicine as prescribed by their doctor, also in public places. However, it is important to have the appropriate documents confirming the legality of possessing and using marijuana for medical purposes.

What to do if the police have doubts about the legality of marijuana?

In such a situation, it is best to show the officers all the documents you have that confirm the legality of marijuana. In case of further doubts, the knowledge we gain from expert articles on this topic may be helpful.

How much medical marijuana can you carry with you?

The amount of medical marijuana you can legally possess is prescribed by prescription, and you should not carry more than the medicinal dose. It is recommended to carry marijuana only in the amount needed at a given moment, following the doctor’s recommendations.


With proper preparation and having the necessary documents with them, patients can avoid unnecessary stress related to police control. Educating yourself about the law and following its requirements allows you to safely use medical marijuana therapy with confidence in your rights.

Ten post dostępny jest także w języku: Polish

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